Data Center Locations

We are unique hosting provider globally to offer data center facilities from multiple locations throughout the world, Server Hosting which is typically used by organizations for the remote storage, processing, or distribution of large amounts of Hosting data. All adopted data centers contain infrastructure, such as power distribution and supplemental power subsystems, including electrical switching; uninterruptable power supplies, backup generators and so on, ventilation and data center cooling systems, such as computer room air conditioners, and adequate provisioning for multiple network carrier connectivity.


Keeping in view long term relations with new and old clients, we selected only those data centers which are really capable of facilitating highest level of hosting services which includes best hardware, power and cooling system, quality switches, top notch ISPs, best internet connections and ahead of all friendly management.


Though there is always a risk of hardware failure because everything of this world is not perfect but what we assure you is the safety and security of your belongings with us. We have taken so many measures to make your hosting flight as smoother as we can make by executing basic DC level firewall and other necessary precautions. Moreover, you are free to add other kind of addons for making your data stable and firm via external firewall software, backups and DDoS mitigation.

Deploy your own core business model by improving your extended services for greater profitability, moving away from daily managing hosting infrastructure and problem solving. Avail network, services and cost-saving benefits when you will decide a journy with us.

Spread your Influence, Be more visible

No need to look here and there because all kind of web hosting infrastructure solutions are available at a single point. UAE, Saudi Arabia, Netherlands and Germany based shared hosting facilities are currently available. We are working hard to add more origins for it whereas dedicated servers and virtual private servers have a huge range of selection, browse, compare and choose with what you are comfortable. We have planned to cover all global destinations so that you can maximize your experience under single management control.

Available Geo locations for Virtual Dedicated Hosting Servers

Abkhazia Data Center Albania Data Center Algeria Data Center Andorra Data Center Armenia Data Center Argentina Data Center Azerbaijan Data Center Australia Data Center Austria Data Center Bahamas Data Center Bahrain Data Center Bangladesh Data Center
Belarus Data Center Belgium Data Center Bolivia Data Center Bosnia and Herzegovina Data Center Brazil Data Center Bulgaria Data Center Cambodia Data Center Cameroon Data Center Canada Data Center Chile Data Center Colombia Data Center Brazzaville Data Center
Costa Rica Data Center Croatia Data Center Hong Kong Data Center Cyprus Data Center Czechia Data Center Denmark Data Center Ecuador Data Center Egypt Data Center Estonia Data Center Finland Data Center France Data Center Georgia Data Center
Germany Data Center Ghana Data Center Greece Data Center Guatemala Data Center Hungary Data Center Iceland Data Center Mumbai Data Center Sampora Data Center Iran Data Center Iraq Data Center Dublin Data Center Isle of Man Data Center
Tel Aviv Data Center Italy Data Center Tokyo Data Center Jordan Data Center Almaty Data Center Nairobi Data Center Kosovo Data Center Kuwait Data Center Kyrgyzstan Data Center Lebanon Data Center Vientiane Data Center Riga Data Center
Lithuania Data Center Luxembourg Data Center Macau Data Center Cyberjaya Data Center Malta Data Center Mauritius Data Center Mexico Data Center Kishinev Data Center Mongolia Data Center Morocco Data Center Yangon Data Center Kathmandu Data Center
Meppel Data Center Auckland Data Center Lagos Data Center North Macedonia Data Center Oslo Data Center Muscat Data Center Islamabad Data Center Panama Data Center Paraguay Data Center Peru Data Center Philippines Data Center Warsaw Data Center
Lisbon Data Center Puerto Rico Data Center Qatar Data Center Craiova Data Center Moscow Data Center Riyadh Data Center Scotland Data Center Belgrade Data Center Singapore Data Center Bratislava Data Center Slovenia Data Center Johannesburg Data Center
Seoul Data Center Madrid Data Center Stockholm Data Center Geneva Data Center Taiwan Data Center Thailand Data Center Tunisia Data Center Izmir Data Center Kiev Data Center Dubai Data Center Coventry Data Center USA Data Center
Uruguay Data Center Uzbekistan Data Center Venezuela Data Center Vietnam Data Center
Check available IP Subnets

& still more locations are in Pipeline....

Redundancy Guaranteed

The redundant may identify computer components or network system components that can be placed in primary resources to save primary resources when they malfunction, including disks, databases, operating systems, switches or telecommunications links. We are equipped with a redundant system with redundant RAID. We operate one of the most advanced 100 Gbit networks in the world, complete with Anycast support and extensive DDoS protection. All our datacenters are equipped with Tier 1 to Tier 4 certification and provide advanced fire and intrusion protection combined with enterprise networking hardware to ensure highest availability.

  • Uptime & Low Latecny
  • Disaster recovery (DR) strategy
  • Measure against silent data corruption
  • Database denormalization
  • Faster data access and updates

High Performance

With ultra-high security measures and over many years of management experience we are able to introduce fastest loading and lowest latency packed with each location you will choose. Moreover, number of operating systems, images and versions are available within about every territory to select and get your hosting infrastructure provisioned.

Unique, Precise, Cheap

Most of the data center and locations offered by us are unique. Those, who want to be online from a particular part of earth for selling their goods, internet exploration, VPN and other live territorial specific jobs, most of the time found nowhere to acquire that distinct infrastructure. Whereas our quality is to produce such in economical price.

Free and Fair

We have included next-generation firewalls, intrusion prevention, web app security, DDoS prevention, and malware and virus prevention with few of DCs and at the same time from most of global spots, provisioned virtual instances comes with higher privileged user so that you can install any software or script and can make any level of changes.